Do you ever see amazing Christian influencers or celebrities and think, “Wow, what they’re doing is awesome, but I don’t feel like God has called me to some big amazing mission.”
So what are you supposed to do?
When you feel like what you’re doing is mediocre compared to others.
When you feel like you’re not making that much of a difference.
When you question whether what you’re doing really matters.
What do you do?
Different Callings In Different Seasons
Society as a whole loves to play the comparison game.
We compare EVERYTHING, from clothes to appearance to weight to height, to intelligence and ability, to lifestyle and parenting techniques.
Literally everything we do is constantly being compared to others, while we’re playing our own comparison game in our heads.
But God created individuals. We all have a unique story that has it’s own timeline.
Sometimes He has to take one person through extra steps to get from point A to point B because He knows how they will react once they get there. While others could go directly from one point to the next because they’ve already been prepared. The point is, God is constantly working in these situations, preparing us for the next one in the way that we need to go.
And sometimes our timeline isn’t the same for someone else’s sake. Sometimes we have to be in a specific place at a specific time to play a very specific role in His plan that we have no idea about until we get there.
So while you may feel behind in one way or another, keep in mind that God calls us to different things in different seasons.
Sometimes we’re called to spend our time raising disciples for Jesus and being home more while our kids are little.
Sometimes we’re called to traveling and speaking to others about Jesus when we’re single and not tied down to a family.
We have no idea what the future holds, but He does. Don’t compare your step 1 to someone else’s step 20. You may have no idea why God wanted you exactly where you are right now yet, but you may look back on your life in a few years and see a whole picture that makes a lot more sense.
God Works In Big and Small Ways
First of all, don’t think that because you’re not speaking to thousands in a stadium, that you’re not fulfilling God’s calling or living out what He has for you.
Sure, God calls some to that role, but there are many other seemingly smaller roles that He calls us to fulfill every day.
And guess what?
All are equally important to His plan.
There are tons of examples in scripture of how God uses those society would deem unworthy and lowly to accomplish His plans.
David was JUST a shepherd.
Mary was JUST a girl.
Esther was JUST an orphan.
God often takes to those that society passes off to accomplish incredible things.
Why? Because then His glory shines, and to let us know that we don’t have to be high and mighty to be a part of His family and His plan. If He only ever chose the best that society had to offer, the super smart or the incredibly strong, wouldn’t we question His willingness to use us more?
God wants to use those who are willing to be used. He wants those who are willing to be obedient and loyal; to put aside their own agendas and take on God’s plan.
"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." ROMANS 8:28 NKJV
Read that again…ALL THINGS. All things work together for good. Not just big things, not just extravagant things. All things.
We Don’t Have To Have An “Amazing” Calling, Because We Serve An Amazing God!
See, we don’t always have to do incredible things because we serve an incredible God.
He will do the incredible through us. We only have to be obedient to His calling.
Step by step, one task at a time.
Then all of those little tasks will add up to bigger tasks.
All of those little Christ-centered conversations will lead to a lifetime of service.
All of those little Bible studies will lead to a deep knowledge of the truth, just when you need it most.
So don’t discount what God may be building in you or preparing you for in the future.
So What Do You Do In The Meantime?
In the meantime, keep going!
Keep praying, keep pushing, keep seeking Him and asking for His guidance, because He’ll give it to you!
"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened." MATTHEW 7:7-8 NKJV
God doesn’t withhold what we need. He gives abundantly when we focus on Him.
Prove your trustworthiness with the small things and He’ll lead you to a bigger future.
When you’re ready to discover your purpose, check out this post! (How To Find Your Purpose)